Celebrating all of our BS and MS graduates. Congrats to Maggie, Neel, Jon, Nika, and Ashley!

Congratulations to Joseph for giving an excellent exit seminar on his work on custom poly(oxazolines)! We celebrated with an immaculate champagne pop.

Sangeeta, Ella, Paige, Emily, and Quintashia are recognized at the annual Chemistry and Biochemistry department awards ceremony. Congrats to everyone for all their hard work this year!

Jon, Neel, Nika, Sangeeta, Ella, and Ash presented their first posters at UCLA’s SMACS Chemistry Undergraduate Poster Session. Great work everyone, and congrats to Nika for winning best poster!

Emily, Helen, Paige and Prairie at the 2024 Glenn T. Seaborg Symposium award dinner.

The lab celebrates our 8th birthday at Santa Monica Brew Works with cake decorating (remember we’re chemists, not artists!), per Sletten group tradition.

The Sletten group has a great time at UCLA’s annual Explore Your Universe (EYU) with the PHOTONbooth and fluorescence demos.

The Sletten group continues our Oktoberfest celebration tradition with good food, good brews, and even better company!

Fluorous team goes to Québec City, Canada for the 23rd ISFC-ISoFT conference!

Quals season wraps up with Paige becoming PhD candidate #23. Way to finish strong!

After covering all our bases in lab, the group headed out to Dodger Stadium for our annual baseball game (also Lyra’s first baseball game)!

Host Guest team travels to The Holderness School in New Hampshire for the Physical Organic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference!

Congratulations to Anthony and Cesar for their 2023 commencement awards!

Anthony and Cesar each gave a very colorful exit talk on their work with SWIR fluorophores at the Organic Graduate Symposium. Excellent work!

SWIR team takes a trip to Palm Springs for the inaugural FASEB: The Optical Probes Conference.

Congrats to Ellen, Emily, Eric, Helen, Kaitlin, Prairie and undergrads Ashley, Ella, Jon, Nika, and Sangeeta on their 2023 Chemistry and Biochemistry Department awards!

Helen becomes a PhD candidate! Congrats and amazing job.

The 2023 Sletten lab quals season continues with Ethan becoming PhD candidate #21!

Congrats to Katie for passing her candidacy exam!

Emily and Prairie advanced to candidacy this week!

Huge congratulations to Ellen for being selected for UCLA’s 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award for Senate Faculty

Congrats to Helen for being awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Enjoying a belated lab birthday celebration at Santa Monica Brew Works

End-of-year lab lunch at the Faculty Club

Eric advances to (MD/)PhD candidacy!

The PHOTONbooth returns to UCLA’s Exploring Your Universe outreach science fair

Some spooky Sletten Group pumpkin decorating to ring in Halloween

Congratulations and farewell to our resident fluorous dye master, Dr. Irene Lim!

Welcoming Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi to UCLA for the Seaborg Symposium and medal!

Finally reinstating our annual Dodger’s game tradition

Congrats to Jessica on advancing to candidacy!

A truly bittersweet day as Kyle and Daniel graduate with their Bachelors degrees. Good luck and keep in touch!

Huge congratulations to Kait on advancing to candidacy!

2022 orals exam season has begun: Congrats to Quintashia on an excellent exam!

Congratulations to Anthony, Cesar, and Xavier on receiving awards at the annual UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry Department award ceremony!

Irene delivered an excellent exit talk on her PhD research!

Congratulations to Eric for being awarded a TRDRP predoctoral fellowship!

Ending 2021 on a high note with our annual Sletten Group holiday party

Happy birthday, Sletten Group!

Celebrating (soon-to-be) Dr. Margeaux Miller with snacks and Sidecar Donuts in the botanical garden

Quintashia delivers a fantastic organic chemistry student seminar on fluorogenic aptamers!

Celebrating our belated lab birthday and completion of 5 more PhDs at SMBW!

Resuming our old in-person traditions to celebrate Zoom-era PhD candidates Joseph (#13), Kelly (#12), Cesar (#11), and Anthony (#10)

Celebrating (soon-to-be) Joe Jaye, PhD

Anna presents her exit seminar on leveraging non-covalent interactions to study living systems

Kelly passes orals and becomes Sletten Group PhD Candidate #12!

Rachael delivers her exit seminar on her perfluorocarbon nanoemulsion research

We wish Dr. Maly Cosco a bittersweet farewell as she begins her postdoctoral journey at Stanford

The Sletten Group virtual holiday party scavenger hunt, complete with pet photos, chemistry memes, and a lot of laughs!

Ellen is selected as a 2020 ICBS Young Chemical Biologist Awardee!

We had a blast filming/presenting our “Color, Optics, and Fluorescence Lab” booth at Exploring Your Universe!

Congrats to Cesar on giving his Organic Chemistry Student Seminar. Very nice job!

Shout out to Anthony for delivering an incredible Organic Chemistry Student Seminar!

Anthony and Cesar become Sletten Group PhD candidates #10 and #11!

Socially-distanced lab outing at Santa Monica State Beach

Happy (belated) 4 years to the Sletten Group!

Happy Holidays from the Sletten Group!

The PHOTONbooth at Exploring Your Universe 2019

Group retreat to Sequoia National Park

Zhumin presents her poster

Group trip to Dodger Stadium!

Olivia presents her summer research poster

Sletten Group at the ACS meeting in San Diego

Maly presenting at the MAF meeting

Group dinner at MsChiCafe

A great showing by the Sletten Group at the undergraduate reception– we have 9 undergradaute researchers this summer!

Maral Mousavi visits the Sletten Group

The Sletten Group at the 1st annual GreAter Los Angeles Chemical Biology Day

Selena wins the Dean’s Prize

John and Selena present their work during undergraduate research week

Irene passes her qualifying exam!

Celebrating Joe’s paper!

Fun evening of outreach at the El Marino Science Fair.

Celebrating Dan’s paper with mochi transformed into functionalized poly(2-oxazoline) stabilized emulsions.

Go-karting and dinner to celebrate our NIH grant!

The annual Sletten Group Holiday Party complete with a lab supply Yankee Swap/White Elephant!

The Sletten Group turns 3! Celebrating at our “family” brewery.

The PHOTONbooth at Explore Your Universe 2018!

Ellen giving seminar to the home crowd.

3rd annual Oktoberfest party at Ellen and Dom’s

Celebrating Margeaux’s paper acceptance with cupcakes decorated with branched fluorous chains!

Sletten Group at the ACS meeting in Boston

Aziza (and Irene) presenting her work at UCLA’s undergraduate poster session.

Annual group trip to Dodger stadium. Some of us stayed for all 12 innings and a Dodger win!

Some bowling to celebrate our PhD candidates.

7 PhD candidate glasses indicate a successful year of exams.

Celebrating Joe passing his orals

Gina is a PhD candidate!

Rachael passes her qualifying exam!

Rachel at the final Clare Boothe Luce event.

Monica becomes the 5th Sletten Group PhD candidate!

Margeaux passes her orals!

Ellen recieves the Seaborg Award. Great night at the Natural History Museum!

Anna and Dan pass their orals. Congrats!

Monica gives the final Sletten Group talk of the year about dynamic polymeric materials. Great job!

Fun with the PHOTONbooth at the El Marino Science Fair

Joe gives a great second year talk on electrochemistry!

2018 versions of recruiting future Sletten Group members at the Getty!

Dan gives his second year talk.

Sletten Group Retreat at Mammoth Lakes!

Anna gives her second year talk

Happy Holidays from the Sletten Group!

Margeaux gives her second year talk

Happy 2 years to the group! Celebrating at Santa Monica Brew Works.

Fun day at UCLA’s Seaborg Symposium and Banquet

Celebrating our second manuscript with emulsion cookies!

Gina gives her second year talk

Ellen gives an impromptu chalk talk on the magic of perfluorocarbons.

Second annual Oktoberfest party at Ellen and Dom’s

Celebrating the first Sletten Group manuscript with graphical abstract cake!

Annual trip to the Dodgers Game. Complete with a walk off win!

Fun in the instrument room and biosafety lab

Maly passes her orals!

More group pics!

Group trip to USC for the Stauffer Symposium to hear the latest from the Bertozzi family and introduce the group to Carolyn! A great day of science was followed by dinner and drinks at Terroni downtown.

Celebrating Maly’s NSF Fellowship!

Recruiting future Sletten Group members with a trip to the Getty

Ellen and Dom host a Super Bowl party! Everyone has a blast watching Dan watch the game.

Holiday festivities at Ellen and Dom’s

Happy One Year, Sletten Group! Celebrating at Santa Monica Brew Works.

Thanksgiving at Ellen and Dom’s

The Sletten Group at the Seaborg Symposium

Ellen ensuring that the entire group watch epic game 7 of the 2016 World Series. Go Cubs Go!

Oktoberfest party at Ellen’s

Rachael growing our first cells. CHO cells have never been so exciting!

BSL2 is finally ready!

We just couldn’t resist a perfect climbing tree…

Goodbye Grace. We’ll miss you!

Go Dodgers!!!

Dinner at Ellen’s (thanks to Dom)

Fire drill = lab bonding on the sidewalk

Maly collecting some spectra

Ellen teaching TLC

