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For older news, visit our Twitter.


3/4/25 – Flavylium merocyanine dyes are now available at Analytical Chemistry. Excellent work Quintashia, and team. Congrats!

2/21/25 – Our work led by Joseph on acid-cleavable poly(oxazoline) surfactants is now available at Polymer Chemistry. Congrats to Joseph, Katie and Ashley!

2/14/25 – The Sletten group is now on Bluesky! Follow us here for the latest updates in the group.

2/12/25 – Check out Luke Lavis’ feature article on the Chromenylium Stars era of SWIR fluorophores in ACS Cent. Sci.–”Stars by the Pocketful“. Congrats to Emily and team!

1/6/25 – Cheers to a new year and a new first year graduate rotation student! Welcome to the Sletten group, Rey.


12/21/24 – Congrats to Emily and Eric!! Their work on chromenylium star polymers is now available at ACS Cent. Sci.

12/19/24 – Congrats to Kaitlin! Her work on oylmpicene functionalization is now available at J. Org. Chem.

12/12/24 – In Sletten group tradition, we celebrated our lab birthday at none other than Santa Monica Brew Works! Cheers to another great year ahead.

11/18/24 – MACS student Dennis joins the group. Welcome!

11/4/24 – Today we welcome first year graduate student Hafez for his Fall rotation!

11/3/24 – The group’s PHOTONbooth and household fluorescence demos were a hit at UCLA’s 2024 Explore Your Universe (EYU)!

10/10/24 – Congratulations to Kaitlin for winning a poster award at the UCLA Amgen symposium.

9/30/24 – First year graduate students Cesar, James, Katerina, Max and Rehan begin their fall rotations. Welcome to the Sletten group!

9/30/24 – Our work led by Anthony on nonamethine chromenylium dyes is now available on ChemRxiv.

9/30/24 – Today we say goodbye to Dr.’s Garcia, Garcia, and Spearman. Congrats and best of luck! You will all be missed.

9/27/24 – Congrats to Heidi and Joseph! Their work with the Campàs group on non-ionic fluorous surfactants is now available at Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

9/24/24 – The group takes a break from lab to watch one of the final Dodgers v. Padres games of the season. Go Dodgers!

9/17/24 – Huge congratulations to Ellen and our collaborator, Oliver Bruns, for receiving the prestigious 2024 Helmholtz High Impact Award in Berlin! Check out their work here.

9/7/24 – What better way to celebrate our 2024 PhD graduates than bbq, cake, and homemade ice cream? Congratulations to Dr’s Garcia, Garcia, and Spearman!! You will be missed.

9/4/24 – Congrats to Helen and Irene! Fluorofluorophores with improved brightness and photostability are now available at Chem Eur J.

9/1/24 – Emily receives a 2024 UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC) Graduate Student Fellowship. Congratulations!

8/30/24 – Our work led by Quintashia on flavylium merocyanine dyes is now available on ChemRxiv.

8/21/24 – Kaitlin and Ellen both give outstanding talks at ACS Fall 2024! We’re so proud of you.

8/13/24 – Look out UCLA, we officially have Sletten lab PhD candidate #24 on the loose! Congrats Devon, amazing work.

8/5/24 – First year graduate students Aditya and Ben begin their summer rotations. Welcome to the Sletten group!

7/1/24 – Ellen is promoted to the rank of full Professor! Congratulations on this phenomenal achievement!

6/24/24 – Congrats to Joseph and Ashley! Their work on biotin-initiated poly(oxazoline)s is now available at Macromolecules.

6/17/24 – Our work led by Helen on counterion exchange of a fluorofluorophore is now preprinted at ChemRxiv.

6/14/24 – Today we celebrate all of our BS and MS graduates. Congrats to Maggie, Neel, Jon, Nika, and Ashley!

6/10/24 – Maggie wraps up with a poster presentation at the MACS symposium. Great work!

6/4/24 – Congratulations to Joseph for giving an excellent exit seminar on his work on custom poly(oxazolines)!

5/21/24 – Sangeeta, Ella, Paige, Emily, and Quintashia are recognized at the annual Chemistry and Biochemistry department awards ceremony. Congrats to everyone for all their hard work this year!

5/14/24 – Our undergrads presented their first posters at UCLA’s SMACS Chemistry Undergraduate Poster Session. Great work everyone, and congrats to Nika for winning best poster!

4/12/24 – Congrats to Devon for being selected as an Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

4/1/24 – This quarter, we welcome first year PhD student Jesus to the group!

3/25/24 – An exciting day for the Sletten group–Our collaboration led by Eric with the Delcamp group is now available at Nature Chemistry; and our collaboration led by Heidi and Joseph with the Campàs group is now preprinted at Chemrxiv!

1/19/24 – Congrats to Emily, Helen, Paige and Prairie for presenting posters at UCLA’s 2024 Glenn T. Seaborg Symposium; and congrats to Maggie for an excellent research talk in the MACS program seminar series (a busy day in the Sletten group!).

1/17/24 – Joseph and Ashley’s work on biotin-initiated poly(oxazoline)s is now preprinted at Chemrxiv.

1/8/24 – We are excited to officially welcome Luigi to the group as a first year PhD student!


12/18/23 – Quintashia’s News and Views piece on fluorogenic cyanines is now available at Nature Chemistry!

12/4/23 – The lab celebrates our 8th birthday at Santa Monica Brew Works with cake decorating, per Sletten group tradition.

11/13/23 – Kai joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow, coming to us all the way from the Institute of Chemistry at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Welcome Kai!

11/6/23 – Luigi begins his Fall rotation. Welcome to the Sletten group!

11/5/23 – The Sletten group has a great time at UCLA’s annual Explore Your Universe (EYU) with the PHOTONbooth and fluorescence demos.

10/26/23 – The Sletten group continues our Oktoberfest celebration tradition with good food, good brews, and even better company!

10/2/23 – Today we welcome graduate students Kathryn and Jesus for their first Fall rotation!

9/18/23 – Our work on water-soluble SWIR fluorophores led by Dr. Shang Jia is now available at Chem!

8/8/23 – Our newest junior lab member, Boden Sletten-Larubina, is born!

8/7/23 – First year graduate students Jeff and Lorena begin their summer rotation. Welcome to the Sletten group!

8/3/23 – The PHOTONBooth makes an appearance at the Garg lab’s first “Chem Camp”, a summer camp to get kids excited about science.

7/28/23 – Fluorous team goes to Québec City, Canada for the 23rd ISFC-ISoFT conference to learn all about fluorine chemistry and technologies.

7/18/23 – Quals season wraps up with Paige becoming PhD candidate #23. Way to finish strong!

7/16/23 – The Bruns lab visits UCLA! SWIR team had a fun day presenting their research and learning from our collaborators.

7/5/23 – After covering all our bases in lab, the group headed out to Dodger Stadium for our annual baseball game!

6/30/23 – Host Guest team travels to The Holderness School in New Hampshire for the Physical Organic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference!

6/17/23 – Congratulations to Anthony and Cesar for their commencement awards!

6/16/23 -Anthony and Cesar each gave a very colorful exit talk on their work with SWIR fluorophores at the Organic Graduate Symposium. Excellent work!

6/8/23 – SWIR team takes a trip to Palm Springs for the inaugural FASEB: The Optical Probes Conference.

6/5/23 – Kaitlin’s perspective on bioorthogonal chemistry is now available at Chem!

5/31/23 – The Sletten lab had a strong showing at our annual department awards ceremony. Congrats to Ellen, Emily, Eric, Helen, Kaitlin, Prairie and undergrads Ashley, Ella, Jon, Nika, and Sangeeta on their awards!

5/25/23 – Helen becomes a PhD candidate! Congrats and amazing job.

5/17/23 – The Sletten lab quals season continues with Ethan becoming PhD candidate #21!

4/19/23 – Excellent job to Katie for passing her candidacy exam!

4/17/23 – Maggie joins the group as our first masters student in UCLA’s MACS program- welcome!

4/7/23 – Congrats to Prairie for advancing to candidacy today!

4/4/23 – Today we celebrate Emily becoming Sletten Lab PhD candidate #18!

3/30/23 – Huge congratulations to Ellen for being selected for UCLA’s 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award for Senate Faculty!

3/29/23 – Congratulations to Helen on being awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

3/27/23 – Celebrated a belated lab birthday with cake decorating at Santa Monica Brew Works.

2/10/23 – Ellen is selected for the 2023 ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Rising Star Award!


12/27/22 – Dr. Anna Kataki’s paper on a fluorescent unnatural mannosamine derivative is now online in Israel Journal of Chemistry.

12/13/22 – Congratulations to Eric on advancing to (MD/)PhD candidacy today!

12/5/22 – Irene’s work on fluorous-soluble chromenylium dyes is now online in Angewandte Chemie!

11/6/22 – After a hiatus due to the pandemic, the PHOTONBooth makes a triumphant return at this year’s Exploring Your Universe.

11/3/22 – Our work led by Dr. Shang Jia on water soluble SWIR dyes for bioimaging is now online in ChemRxiv!

10/12/22 – Irene’s work on fluorous-soluble chromenylim dyes is now accessible in ChemRxiv!

10/1/22 – Our annual Sletten Lab Oktoberfest tradition finally returns after a 4-year hiatus!

9/30/22 – Today we celebrate and say goodbye to our fluorous soluble dye expert Dr. Irene Lim as she continues onto Stanford for her postdoc. Congratulations on finishing your PhD and best of luck!

9/26/22 – Reece and Vito join us for their fall rotations. Welcome!

9/9/22 – Our work on macromolecular crowding as an intracellular stimulus for responsive nanomaterials led by Dr. Dan Estabrook is now online in JACS!

8/17/22 – We were finally able to welcome Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi to our campus to receive the Seaborg Medal. It was a fantastic day of science stories from Profs. Alanna Schepartz, Ellen Sletten, Jenn Prescher, Frances Arnold, and Carolyn herself!

8/1/22 – Today we welcome first year rotation students Aris, Devon, Eli, and Jingmei to the lab!

7/31/22 – We wish Dr. Shang Jia safe travels and good luck with his new position. We can’t wait to see the amazing things he’ll do at the University of Arkansas!

6/22/22 – Our 2022 orals season comes to a close as Jessica becomes PhD candidate #16! Congratulations and fantastic job!

6/11/22 – Kyle and Daniel have graduated with their bachelors degrees! We’re going to miss having them around in lab, but we can’t wait to see the amazing things they’ll do next. Congratulations!

5/19/22 – Cheers to Kait for absolutely nailing her oral exam and advancing to candidacy!

5/16/22 – Congratulations to Quintashia on passing her oral exam with flying colors and becoming Sletten Group PhD candidate #14!!!

5/13/22 – Today we say goodbye to Dr. Heidi van de Wouw as she embarks on her next journey as visiting faculty at Pomona College. Thank you for everything, Heidi!

5/13/22 – Congratulations to Anthony, Cesar, and Xavier on their departmental awards! They earned the Ralph and Charlene Bauer Award, Charles J. Pedersen Award, and Raymond and Dorothy Wilson Department Award, respectively.

5/3/22 – Soon-to-be Dr. Irene Lim delivers an excellent exit talk for Chemical Biology Seminar. Great job, Irene!

3/30/22 – Kelly’s review of SWIR imaging technologies, dyes, and probes is now online in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology!

3/17/22 – Major congratulations to Eric for being named a TRDRP predoctoral fellowship awardee!

1/3/22 – We’re excited to welcome Prairie, Helen, Emily, Ethan, Lillie, and Katie to our group as first year PhD students!


12/17/21 – The Sletten Group ends 2021 on a high note with delicious food, an animated game of charades, and a successful white elephant gift exchange at our annual holiday party.

12/8/21 – Happy belated birthday, Sletten Group! Our lab birthday is celebrated with cake and good company at Santa Monica Brew Works.

11/19/21 – We celebrate soon-to-be Dr. Margeaux Miller with delicious snacks and Sidecar Donuts at the botanical garden!

10/20/21 – Recent graduate Dr. Anna Kataki-Anastasakou’s final paper of the group is now online in ACS Chemical Biology!

10/4/21 – Congratulations to Quintashia on a fantastic Organic Chemistry Student Seminar!

9/27/21 – We welcome Belle, Casey, Jennyfer, and Lillie to our lab for their fall rotations!

9/13/21 – Shang’s review of far-red and NIR photocages/photoswitches is now online in ACS Chemical Biology.

9/10/21 – Congrats to Dr. Anna Kataki-Anastasakou on officially becoming Sletten Group PhD #7!

8/2/21 – Emily, Ethan, Helen, Katie, Prairie, and Vicki join us for their summer rotations!

7/23/21 – Our fearless leader Ellen is promoted to rank of Associate Professor with tenure!!! Congratulations on this incredible milestone!

7/19/21 – We welcome MD PhD student Eric Lin for the start of his PhD training.

6/29/21 – Daniel joins us as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Daniel!

6/18/21 – Belated congratulations to Kaitlin on being named a Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program trainee!

6/13/21 – We celebrate Drs. Lee, Pengshung, Day, Estabrook, and soon-to-be Dr. Kataki at Santa Monica Brew Works.

6/11/21 – Monica and Dan round out our 2021 exit talks with fantastic presentations!

6/9/21 – Joseph passes his orals and advances to PhD candidacy! Congratulations, Sletten Group PhD candidate #13!

6/4/21 – Congrats to Joe, Margeaux, and Gina for excellent exit seminars today!

5/25/21 – Kyle delivers a fantastic research talk for UCLA Undergraduate Research Week!

5/23/21 – Today we congratulate Joe and wish him farewell as he leaves for a post doc in Minnesota. We’re so proud of you, Joe!

5/14/21 – Ellen wins the 2020-2021 Herbert Newby McCoy Award, which recognizes the greatest contribution of the year to the science of chemistry and biochemistry!

5/13/21 – Kelly receives a Michael E. Jung Excellence in teaching award!

5/13/21 – Congrats to Anthony for being named a Jim and Barbara Tsay Excellence in Second Year Research and Academics Award recipient!

5/13/21 – Irene receives a Ralph and Charlene Bauer Award for her excellence in research, teaching, and service! Congrats, Irene!

5/13/21 – Congrats to all our fifth year PhD students on their dissertation awards: Dr. Myung Ki Hong Award (Rachael), UCLA Chemists Association Award (Monica), Saul and Sylvia Winstein Award (Gina), Majeti-Alapati Awards (Margeaux and Dan), Donald J. Cram Award (Anna), and Theodore A. Geissman Award (Joe)!

5/4/21 – Congrats to Anna on an excellent exit seminar!

5/3/21 – Our latest four-color in vivo SWIR imaging work is now published in JACS.

4/30/21 – Redox-responsive gene delivery from perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions manuscript (led by Dan) is published in ACIE.

4/28/21 – New work on photophysical properties of indocyanine green in the SWIR is now online in ChemPhotoChem. Congrats to Dr. Maly Cosco and team!

4/16/21 – Kelly passes her orals to become Sletten Group PhD candidate #12!

4/13/21 – Congratulations to Rachael for delivering a fantastic exit seminar!

4/9/21 – Kyle receives the Leonard Greiner Award and a Biochemitry Donors Summer Research Fellowship! Way to go, Kyle!

4/6/21 – New work on establishing design principles of organic SWIR chromophores (collaboration with the Caram Lab) is online in ChemRxiv.

3/31/21 – Rachael’s review of perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions for photodynamic therapy is now online in Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science!

3/27/21 – New imaging work in collaboration with the Campàs Group (UCSB) is out now in bioRxiv!

3/23/21 – Congratulations to Kelly for being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and to Joseph for receiving an honorable mention!

1/4/21 – Today is truly bittersweet as we both celebrate and say goodbye to Dr. Maly Cosco, Sletten Group PhD #1! We can’t wait to hear about the amazing things you’ll accomplish at Stanford and beyond.

1/1/21 – Ellen joins the Inaugural Early Career Advisory Board of ChemPhotoChem.

1/1/21 – We’re excited to welcome first years Quintashia, Caitlyn, Colin, Kaitlin, and Rita back to the lab, as well as Niko for a rotation!


12/18/20 – Memories were made at our virtual holiday party, complete with a socially-distanced scavenger hunt and legendary Sriracha kitchen chemistry volcano.

12/1/20 – The first paper from our host-guest subgroup (collab w/ Prof. Alex Spokoyny) is out in JACS. Congrats to Anna and team!

12/1/20 – The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative chooses Ellen and collaborators Dr. Oliver Bruns and Dr. Christopher Rowlands as one of 13 teams for a CZI Deep Tissue Imaging grant!

11/11/20 – The International Chemical Biology Society selects Ellen as a 2020 ICBS Young Chemical Biologist Awardee!

11/9/20 – Garett and Gilbert join us for their fall rotations. Welcome!

11/1/20 – The Sletten Group had a blast with our virtual “Color, Optics, and Fluorescence Lab” booth at Exploring Your Universe!

10/26/20 – Congrats to Cesar on giving his Organic Chemistry Student Seminar. Very nice job!

10/19/20 – Our latest advances in SWIR imaging (collab w/ Dr. Oliver Bruns’ group at Helmholtz Pioneer Campus) is now published in Nature Chemistry! Congratulations to Maly and team!

10/15/20 – We celebrate “Five Years of Fluoro” in the Sletten Group as Ellen delivers seminar to the home crowd.

10/12/20 – Congratulations to Anthony on delivering an incredible Organic Chemistry Student Seminar!

10/5/20 – Happy fall quarter! We’re excited to welcome Angela, Eric, Caitlyn, Tom, and Aaron for their first fall rotations.

8/24/20 – We have TWO new carborane preprints out in ChemRxiv in collaboration with the Spokoyny Group!

8/18/20 – The group’s most recent work towards red-shifted fluorous soluble fluorophores (collab w/ the Campàs Group at UC Santa Barbara) is now online in JACS. Well done, Irene and team!

8/10/20 – We welcome first year PhD students Colin, Kaitlin, Noelle, Quintashia, and Rita to the group for the start of their summer rotations.

7/29/20 – Our latest collaborative work with the Lopez Lab (Northeastern Univ.) was accepted to Organic Letters. Congrats to Monica and team!

7/24/20 – Our systematic study of perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions led by Rachael is now online in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!

7/4/20 – Margeaux’s review paper, “Perfluorocarbons in Chemical Biology,” was accepted to ChemBioChem!

6/19/20 – We say goodbye to graduating seniors Olivia, John, Junho, and Carolyn. Good luck in graduate/medical school; we will miss you!

6/18/20 – Congratulations to Cesar on becoming a PhD candidate!

6/12/20 – Maly gives her exit seminar. Fantastic job!

6/11/20 – Anthony becomes Sletten Group PhD candidate #10! Congrats!

6/1/20 – We welcome Eric to the group for his summer rotation!

5/28/20 – Congratulations to Kyle for winning a Geissman Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship!

5/27/20 – Big congratulations to our Department Graduate Award winners: Rachael, Anna, and Gina (Ralph and Charlene Bauer Award); Maly (Theodore A. Geissman Dissertation Award); Irene (Jim and Barbara Tsay Excellence in Second Year Research and Academics); Rachael (Michael E. Jung Excellence in Teaching Award); and Dan and Joe (Donald J. Cram Excellence in Research Award)!

5/19/20 – Undergraduate seniors John, Olivia, and Carolyn present at Undergraduate research week, and John wins the Dean’s Prize. Great work!

4/2/20 – Our collaborative work with the Lopez Lab is accepted for publication in Chemical Communications! Congrats to all!

3/30/20 – Congratulations to Cesar for winning an NSF fellowship, and to both Cesar and Anthony for receiving honorable mentions for the Ford Foundation Fellowship!

2/28/20 – Rachael is awarded a prestigious UCLA Alumni Association Fellowship! Congratulations, Rachael!

2/28/10 – Joe’s work on vinyl iodide containing polymers is published in ACS Macro Letters! Congrats!

2/12/20 – The Sletten Group celebrates 4 years with a (belated) party at Santa Monica Brew Works.

1/1/20 – Happy New Year! We welcome Joseph, Erika, Kelly, and Jessica to the group.


12/18/19 – Delicious food and fun at the group holiday potluck and lab supply white elephant.

12/13/19 – We say goodbye to Jon. Good luck at Dow!

12/12/19 – Congrats to Monica whose preprint is posted on ChemRxiv today.

12/3/19 – Great day of outreach with the PhotoNbooth at Brentwood Magnet Elementary School.

11/27/19 – Congratulations to Margeaux, Rachael, and Dan on their accepted manuscript!

11/23/19 – Maly, Gina, Anthony, and Carolyn present posters at the Seaborg Symposium. Gina wins a best poster award. Congrats!

11/6/19 – Our youngest group member Lyra Sletten-Larubina is born!

11/3/19 – Successful PhotoNbooth showing at UCLA’s Explore Your Universe.

10/4/19 – John is named an undergraduate research scholar! Congrats!

9/30/19 – We welcome rotation students Ana, Baldwin, Holly, Lily, and Jessica to the group!

9/18/19 – Group retreat to Sequoia National Park – check out the photos!

9/16/19 – Sham joins the group as an undergraduate researcher working with Anna.

9/13/19 – We say goodbye to summer students Zhumin and Aly. We will miss you!

9/12/19 – Ellen presents the group’s work at University of Arizona.

9/9/19 – Zhumin presents her work from the summer at the CSST student poster session. Great job!

9/3/19 – Annual group trip to Dodger Stadium! Go Dodgers!

9/3/19 – Shang Jia joins the group as a postdoc, coming to us from Chris Chang’s group at Berkeley. Welcome!

8/27/19 – Olivia presents her work at the summer undergraduate poster session. Well done!

8/25-27/19 – Joe, Monica, Maly, and Ellen all present at the ACS National meeting. Great job!

8/21/19 – Maly gives an oral presentation at the Methods and Applications of Fluorescence meeting!

8/17/19 – Aly kicks off the SMC summer research symposium with a great talk. Great work this summer!

8/8/19 – Ellen presents the group’s work at the International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies in Shanghai.

8/5/19 – First year students Joseph, Erika, Evan, and Kelly join the group for their summer rotations.

7/27/19 – Our collaborative work with the Zink and Bruns Groups is accepted for publication in JACS. Congrats to Maly and all the coauthors!

7/22/19 – We welcome UCLA undergraduate Kyle Bui to the group!

7/15/19 – Monica and Ellen present the group’s work at the Photochemistry GRC.

7/14/19 – Monica presents her work at the Photochemistry Gordon Research Symposium.

7/12/19 – Ellen represents the US at the European Young Investigator Workshop in Vienna.

7/8/19 – Ellen visits the Bruns Group in Munich!

7/8/19 – CSST student Zhumin Zhang joins the group for the summer – Welcome!

6/28/19 – The Sletten Group hosts Maral Mousavi through the NSF CA Alliance Exchange Program.

6/21/19 – The Sletten Group has a great showing at the first annual GreAter Los Angeles (GALA) chemical biology day. Congrats to Anna, Gina, Maly, Monica, and Irene for presenting their work and Maly for winning a poster prize!

6/15/19 – We welcome Carolyn, Gisella, and Aly to the group!

6/9/19 – Anna and Ellen present the group’s work at the Bioorganic GRC. Congratulations to Anna for winning a poster award!

5/31/19 – Dan and Margeaux depart for summer internships at 3M and Enable Biosciences. We will miss you!

5/30/19 – Check out our new group picture!

5/24/19 – Selena wins the Dean’s Prize at Undergraduate Research Week. Congratulations Selena!

5/21/19 – John and Selena present their work at Undergraduate Research Day. Great job!

5/15/19 – Irene becomes Sletten Group PhD candidate #9! Congrats!

5/2/19 – Congratulations to Joe for his paper being accepted at ACS Central Sci!

5/1/19 – Jon officially joins the group as a postdoc – Welcome!

4/22/19 – Congratulations to Sletten Group members who received departmental awards: John and Junho received summer undergraduate research fellowships, Dan received the Senior Foote and Excellence in Second Year Research awards, and Maly received the Dafni Amirsakis Fellowship Award!

4/15/19 – Selena officially accepts her offer to attend graduate school at UIUC!

4/15/19 – Congrats to Dan and John for their collaborative work with the Liu group being published in Nature Catalysis!

3/15/19 – Heidi joins the lab as a postdoc! Welcome!

2/27/19 – Dan’s manuscript on POx surfactants for nanoemulsions is accepted at Chemical Science. Congratulations!!

2/26/19 Margeaux’s paper was highlighted in Synfacts!

2/1/19 – Congratulations to Dan who was named a Senior Foote Fellow!

2/1/19 – The Sletten Group is awarded an R01 from NIBIB to develop SWIR fluorophores. Thank you for supporting our work!!

1/31/19 – Ellen presents the group’s imaging work at the Advanced Imaging Methods workshop in Berkeley.

1/19/19 – The group goes go-karting to (finally) celebrate our DP2 award!


12/26/18 – Our collaborative work with the Zink and Bruns Groups is up on ChemRxiv! Congrats to all!

12/16/18 – The group celebrates a successful 2018 with a holiday potluck.

12/10/18 – Anthony and Cesar officially join the Sletten Group!

12/9/18 – Ellen presents the group’s shortwave infrared imaging work at the ASCB/EMBO National Meeting in San Diego.

11/28/18 – The group celebrates its 3rd birthday at Santa Monica Brew Works!

11/13/18 – Ellen visits UCSB to share the group’s latest results.

11/6/18 – Ellen presents the group’s work to the department.

11/5/18 – Ruoxi and Nik join the group for their fall rotation – Welcome!

11/4/18 – The PhotoNbooth is a success at UCLA’s Explore Your Universe event.

10/18/18 – Congratulations to Margeaux whose paper on branched fluorous tags was accepted to Organic Letters!

10/16/18 – Ellen presents the group’s work on SWIR polymethine dyes at Janelia’s ProbeFest meeting.

10/2/18 – Ellen receives an NIH Director’s New Innovator Award! Thank you to the NIH for recognizing and supporting our work!

10/1/18 – First year students Anthony, Ashley, Cesar, Dan, and Vivian join the group for their first rotation. Welcome!

9/29/18 – Welcome to senior Selena Hernandez who joins the group working with Anna!

9/27/18 – Ellen presents the group’s work on SWIR fluorophores at the International Chemical Biology Society Annual Meeting in Vancouver.

9/11/18 – Ellen presents the group’s work at the Polymers in Medicine and Biology meeting in Napa, CA.

9/6/18 – Dan, Amanda, and Rachael’s paper is up on ChemRxiv!

8/19/18 – Joe, Margeaux, Dan, Rachael, and Ellen head to Boston to present the group’s work at the ACS National Meeting!

8/17/18 – We say goodbye to Aziza. Best of luck during your senior year!

8/16/– Aziza presents her work over the past summer at the Undergraduate Poster Session. Great Job!

8/15/18 – Group trip to Dodger Stadium to see a 12th-inning walk-off win!

8/13/18 – We welcome Austin to the group!

8/10/18 – John is named an Undergraduate Research Scholar!

8/8/18 – Congratulations to Joe for passing his oral exam!

8/6/18 – Gina passes her oral exam. Congrats!

7/30/18 – Nik joins the group. Welcome!

7/25/18 – The Sletten Group expands to another room in the Molecular Science Building!

7/16/18 – Rachael passes her orals. Congrats!

7/9/18 – We welcome new graduate students Dan and Anthony to the group!

6/27/18 – Ellen presents the group’s perfluorocarbon nanoemulsion work at the bioinspired materials GRC in Switzerland.

6/25/18 – Aziza joins the group for the summer, visiting from Howard University. Welcome!

6/18/18 – We welcome UCLA undergraduate Junho to the group!

6/14/18 – Ellen presents the group’s shortwave infrared fluorophore work at the bioorganic GRC.

6/8/18 – Irene is named an Associate Trainee on UCLA’s Chemical Biology Interface Training Grant. Congrats!

6/6/18 – Ellen receives a Hellman Award. Thank you for supporting our work!

6/5/18 – We say goodbye to Rachel who will head to UCSD this fall for graduate school.

6/4/18 – Congrats to Monica for another successful orals exam!

5/23/18 – Congratulations to Margeaux – Sletten Group PhD Candidate #4!

5/22/18 – Ryan and Rachel present their work during the UCLA Undergraduate Research Week. Great job!

5/13/18 – Ellen presents the group’s work at the American Society for Photobiology meeting.

5/5/18 – Ellen receives the Seaborg Award during an event at the Natural History Museum. Thank you to AXE for the award and putting on a great event!

5/2/18 – It was a double header qualifying exam day – Congrats to Anna and Dan who are now officially PhD candidates!

4/30/18 – Monica finishes off a strong second year talk season with an excellent talk on dynamic polymers.

4/10/18 – Maly presents her latest results on flavylium polymethine fluorophores at the Janelia Young Chemical Biologist Workshop.

4/9/18 – Joe gives a great second year talk on electrochemistry!

4/3/18 – Congratulations to Joe and Rachael for winning NSF GRFP and NSF GRFP Honorable Mention, respectively! Great job!

3/20/18 – Congrats to Rachel who will be entering the PhD program at UCSD this fall. The first Sletten Group undergraduate to go to graduate school!

3/20/18 – Congratulations to undergraduates Sydney, John, Ryan, and Alexandra for receiving Summer Research Fellowships from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry!

3/17/18 – Margeaux wins the best poster prize at the MBI retreat. Congrats!

2/26/18 – Dan gives a great second year talk on photoredox catalysis in polymer chemistry.

2/15/18 – Ellen is named a 2018 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow! thank you for supporting our work!

2/9-13/18 – The group has a fun time at Mammoth Lakes. Check out the pictures!

2/2/18 – Our PhotoNbooth is featured by C&EN for #FluorescenceFriday!

1/30/18 – Wei’s paper is accepted at JACS. Congrats!

1/28/18 – We welcome UCLA undergraduates Sydney and John to the group.

1/26/18 – Anna gives a great second year talk!

1/11/18 – Maly is named a Senior Foote Fellow. Congrats!


12/17/17 – Second annual holiday potluck at Ellen’s is a success.

12/8/17 – Margeaux gives her second year talk on mechanoresponsive polymers. Great job!

11/29/17 – The lab celebrates its second birthday at Santa Monica Brew Works!

11/22/17 – Our latest paper is now online at Chem. Commun. Congrats to the PDT team!

11/20/17 – Ellen is named a Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardee. Thank you for recognizing our work!

11/18/17 – Wei, Maly, Dan, Rachael, Monica, and Joe present posters at the Seaborg Symposium. Good job everyone!

11/14/17 – Ellen presents the group’s work at the Claremont Colleges.

11/13/17 – Rachael, Dan, and Jessica’s paper is accepted! Congrats!

11/6/17 – We welcome first year graduate student Irene to the group!

11/6/17 – Gina gives her second year talk, “Chemical linkers cleaved by cancer endogenous stimuli.” Good job!

11/5/17 – Our PhotoNbooth makes its debut at UCLA’s Explore Your Universe outreach event.

11/1/17 – our work on shortwave infrared fluorophores is highlighted in Nature!

10/4/17 – Ellen presents the group’s latest results at Oberlin College.

9/28/17 – First year rotation student Chris Jones joins us. Welcome!

9/15/17 – We say goodbye to Xincheng. Thanks for a great summer!

9/8/17 – Rachael, Dan, and Jessica’s paper is posted as a preprint. Congrats!

8/25/17 – We say goodbye to Miguel. Best of luck at UC Davis!

8/23/17 – Ellen presents the group’s work at the ACS National Meeting.

8/18/17 – We say goodbye to Amanda. Thanks for a great summer!

8/14/17 – The Sletten Group’s first publication is online!!! Congrats to Maly and the rest of the team!

8/9/17 – Ellen gives her first invited conference talk at the International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies.

8/7/17 – First year graduate student Francesca Ippoliti joins the group for the summer. Welcome!

7/30/17 – Let’s go Dodgers! Group trip to Dodger Stadium.

7/25/17 – Ellen receives a UC CRCC Award. Thank you for funding our work!

7/24/17 – Maly presents her work at the Photochemistry Gordon Conference.

7/10/17 – We welcome incoming graduate student Shreya Patel and CSST student Xincheng Xu to the group for the summer!

6/26/17 – We welcome Miguel Macias from SMC to the group for the summer!

6/23/17 – We welcome Amanda Ennis from USD to the group for the summer!

6/20/17 – Congratulations to Margeaux who was named a trainee on UCLA’s Chemical Biology Interface grant!

6/19/17 – Maly passes her candidacy exam! Congrats to the first Sletten Group PhD candidate!!

6/15/17 – Congratulations to Dan who was named a trainee on UCLA’s biotechnology T32 training grant!

6/10/17 – We say goodbye to Jay. Best of luck in the Netherlands!

5/26/17 – Congratulations to Ryan on receiving a Raymond and Dorothy Wilson Fellowship for undergraduate research this summer!

Older News

We welcome Margeaux to the group!

Maly gives the first ACS talk from the group!

Congratulations to Maly on being awarded an NSF fellowship!!!

We have tripled in size! Dan, Rachael, Anna, Joe, Monica, and Gina officially join the group!

Ryan McLaughlin, a sophomore chemistry major, joins our team working with Maly. Welcome!

The Sletten Group celebrates their first birthday at Santa Monica Brew Works!

Maly gives her second year talk on cycloparaphenylenes.

Maly receives a UCLA Research Showcase Fellowship Award to attend the spring ACS National Meeting. Congrats Maly!